Apex Mountain
Apex Mountain is a ski resort. If you have the money, as far as I know, it is for sale too. The whole area is a beautiful alpine country. Very much like Whipsaw. It very close to Whipsaw too. It is in Hedley, BC. The best of the trip...
Trekken Off Road Trailer
A few weeks ago, we borrowed Trekken Offroad Trailer for a review. We put it into a test. First we took it to Apex Mountain for 2 days camping trip. Then we took it to Sumas Mountain for some hardcore offroad text. Check it out! For more information about...
Where Jeepers Play Pool
It was a lot of fun to go though this hard and nasty trail to get to the beach on the side of Stave lake. At the same time it was equally or more fun to find a pool table ob the beach. We came up with various theories...
Six Feet Under Part2
Later we continued our trip to play on the rocks in the BJ loop area. I dont know why the area was called BJ loop but made me thinking that whoever named it had some great time there 🙂 The rocks were more like big boulders. I realized why...
Six Feet Under Part 1
This trail was so fun. The trenches we went through was deeper than 6 ft in certain places. There were rocks and stumps in fair sizes. When we came out of the trail, there was little hill descent through the trees. For the first time and with the help...