RC Jeep
I have seen really nice videos that make remote control toy jeeps look like the real thing. Then I wondered if I could make a video that makes real jeeps look like a toy. And I tried… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKXlxi5lR-Q...
Rocky Roads
This is the video of our trips to Eagle Mountain and Squamish Valley FSR. Second part of the video is in Squamish Valley area. We went to Ashlu and Cloudburst Mountain. One weekend we tried but we couldnt make it to the top in Ashlu because of snow. We...
Snow Jeep Part2
This is the second part of Snow Jeep movie. This is our trip to Eagle Mountain and Furry Creek FSR. Lower sections didn’t have snow but upper parts were packed. It was a awesome day for snow wheeling and to try some different angle shots. Thanks to my friends...
Snow Jeep Part1
This movie is two parts. The first part of the movie is our last trip to Hut Lake, Squamish. The second part is our trip to Eagle Mountain and Furry Creek FSR. Thanks to my friend Pat who was filming me when I was driving. This area had a...
This trip was over 2 days. First day we were in the Stave Lake area. One part of Stave Lake is a sunken forest. It looks really spooky. Second day we were in West Harrison area. There was plenty of snow in the higher grounds. I had a lot...
Mango Ruby
The highlights of my off road trips in the summer of 2011. My Mango Tango Jeep Wrangler Rubicon has been a lot of fun since the day I bought it in April 2011. I have been doing trips and seeing some beautiful country. My Ruby has no modifications (stock)...
Cypress Point
On the way to Cypress Point in the Lost Creek FSR Area, BC. All 3 Jeeps made it to Cypress Point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5QvAxxPPmQ...
Lil’wat area, Pemberton, BC The movie of our quest to find Lil’wat pictographs. We couldn’t find them but the ride was worthed… Jeeps performed great on the snow… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFvPZJdJ6X0...
V Rock
V rock takes its name after the v shape rock on West Harrison trails. And yes, we rock 🙂 Jeeps are awesome… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=527Kvcus-5c...
Tank Trapped
This Jeep Off road movie is named after the mud pit around Lost Creek FSR, BC, Canada...